We help startup entrepreneurs make their little businesses (more) brilliant with websites & processes that simply work
The Easy To Understand Bit...
I'm sure you know by now...
…there is a law all about cookies and privacy and data protection.
Yes indeedy. There certainly is.
You can read more about cookies on the ICO website if you are inclined. If you can’t sleep at any time do head over there, I guarantee it will help.
You’ll also find details of the rules for something called GDPR or “General Data Protection Regulations”. They are absolutely fascinating! (read lengthy and boring).
The quick and simplified version is that I need to tell you about:
1) your privacy and how I use your data
2) cookies on this website
3) your rights
Here is some information (hopefully easy to understand) about your privacy on my website and in my business and about my website’s cookie use and how you can opt out.
How Brilliant Little Business uses your information
My starting point is “how do I want MY information treated?”
So although I do sometimes use contact details that you give me to send marketing information to you it is only about something that I’m sure will benefit you or your business AND I give you ways to unsubscribe if you wish.
I don’t share your name, email or other details with anyone else. Why would I want to upset a client? But see below about other services I use.
If you send an email to me, or if you use the ‘contact’ page on my site you may wonder what happens to your details.
Actually, it is very simple. In both cases I see an email from you in my inbox. I will reply to that email, if a reply is needed. If you sign up for a newsletter, that goes to MailerLite (an autoresponder service) to allow me to send emails to you.
If you enquire about me doing some work for you
In that case you go on my database and I will follow up with you, by landline, mobile, Skype, Zoom or email as needed. If I ever need to meet you in person I will then also store your physical address in my records.
And because I also sometimes use email marketing and I also may need to contact all clients about a particular matter that impacts their site, I will add you to my email list for my newsletter, if you have opted in, (I currently use MailerLite). If you don’t want emails from me in the future just tell me when you first contact me or unsubscribe when I send you an email – there is always an unsubscribe link.
The official stuff
There are various headings that the Information Commissioner’s Office say should be in a Privacy Policy so here they are, and here are my answers to them.
What information is being collected?
I only get what you send me. Usually details like name, address, email address, phone number and of course things to do with your business which often include login credentials to services you use such as Domain Registrars, Hosting Accounts & Email Auto Responder Services – all required so I can set things up for you.
Who is collecting it?
Me! OK, you got me – it’s not always me.
I use various third parties to make my services easier to provide. So people like GoCardless will collect details of your bank account so direct debits can be processed and a service called Nimble provides information about your various Social Media accounts. it just saves me a load of manual work.
How is it collected?
There are a few places that you can get in to “my system”. You might phone me. You might email me. You might use my contact form. You might be introduced by somebody. You might place an order. You might fill in a form on another website that then sends me information. In each case I only collect what you give me. That’s usually details of your contact information and the service you require so that I can talk to you about potentially working with you.
I put this all into my internal systems (and external programs such as Xero for my accounting) so I can contact you and know if it’s you calling and I use it to prompt me to do things like follow up with you, to send you contracts and so on. I also store your contact details (phone and email addresses etc) on my computer that sync with my phone so I can get in touch when I’m away from my office. My phone is protected by fingerprint security technology.
How will it be used?
I’ve covered this in “how is it collected” above. Essentially I keep everything on my computer and my phone so that I can work with you!
How will it be shared with?
Nobody. Well, nearly. I only share your data with services that assist me in doing my work. So it’s not sharing in the accepted sense. They don’t use your data – it’s just in their systems so I can work more efficiently. As I said in “who is collecting it” – if you enter an agreement with me, I enter your details into my Accounting software (Xero) and set up a direct debit to collect payments from your bank. They keep the data simply to fulfil the processing. Similarly, your email address is likely to be “stored” inside a Gmail account so I can contact you and respond to your communications.
What will be the effect of this on the individuals concerned?
Well, other than me doing a smoother job for you I can’t think of one!
Is the intended use likely to cause individuals to object or complain?
Are you mad? Not that I can see. If it were me I would expect my details to go into a system for any order I make. This is no different.
That’s the "in my words" official stuff done.
As I say I try not to share details that you give to me with anyone else. I hate it when it happens to me and I will not sell/give your information away.
It could be you’re here because I contacted you first. If that’s the case then I was provided with your email address by someone you know and you said that you were happy to be contacted. Or maybe you were at a networking event with me and handed me your card – in which case you’ve probably got mine somewhere too!
If you don’t want further contact with me please simply email me and I will take you off my list, or hit that unsubscribe link in the email.
Oh and if you look at my testimonials page you’ll see stuff written by other clients. If you are kind enough to thank me for work I’ve done for you I’m likely to put it up on that page and plaster it all over Facebook/Instagram/Twitter… it’s lovely when people thank me and I like to share that!
Back to cookies
You’ve no doubt heard about cookies before but unless you’re a geek you probably won’t know why they are used or about the different types and what they do.
Like virtually every other website, Brilliant Little Business uses cookies.
They help the site to know what to show you and to hide things like sign-up boxes if you’ve already opted in or to recognise if you’ve commented on a blog post previously. That saves you from filling in your details each time.
Some cookies, like those from Google Analytics and Facebook are used to help us analyse how visitors use the site and/or tell me where they came from (eg was it a Facebook advert or a Google search).
But I don't like cookies
Some cookies are essential to allow the site to operate but others you may be able to choose to turn off if you wish, although very likely the site won’t work as well as it should.
Yep, I agree, the obtrusive “we use cookies” notices are probably more annoying than the fact cookies are used but somebody else makes the rules!
The More Technical & Legal Bit...
The links below take you to the official wording of my various Notices and you should read these for further clarification and expansion of my “easy to follow” explanation.
TRANSPARENCY: Some of the services and products discussed and recommended on this site are provided by other people. They are only recommended if I use or have intimate knowledge of them but I want you to know that in some cases I am paid a fee or commission if you decide to buy. This makes absolutely no difference to the price you pay so although you could go direct to the provider I hope you’ll feel comfortable that I earn a little for bringing the service to your attention. You can read the full FTC Statement relating to this above.