How To Make Working From Home Work For You

working from home

How To Make Working From Home Work For You…

…and why you need to keep your shoes on!

I openly admit, I hated the corporate world.

Office politics, putting up with inefficiencies and people I didn’t like just so there wasn’t an “atmosphere”, being told where I had to be, when I could take holidays, dress codes etc

how to make working from home work for you

Some people love all that but I couldn’t put up with it.  When you add on top 10 hours plus a week of travelling on smelly, over-crowded trains or sitting in traffic – you have to be some kind of masochist!

So working from home was less of an option and more of total necessity for me. But many people find the lack of structure and the flexibility that I personally love, an enormous challenge.

It’s extremely likely that your on my side of the fence or you won’t have read this far. You may already work from home or be planning to start home based business but if you’re like most of my clients there’s a “niggle” that worries you about working on your own away from a traditional workplace.

I’ve enjoyed the freedom of working from an office at my house for over 20 years and I’ve probably felt every emotion and dealt with every challenge that lifestyle can throw at you over that time.

I want to share those experiences with you during 2015 and as I was starting to put my ideas and thoughts together today I received an email with a link to a great article that will be a fantastic starting point.

It’s a brilliant list (actually it’s more than that as the tips are quite detailed) of things you really need to think about when working from home. Although there are 99 it’s a really quick read.
Numbers 20, 39, 53 and 65 and really important for me, and I’d love to hear from you with any that really stand out for you.

After you’ve looked through the 99 Productivity Tips, leave me a comment below.

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